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Transform Your Career to The Next Level

Limited to 20 Participants


With Rokon Alam, CPA, FCCA, MBA

Career Challenges You May Face

We’ve been taught that finding a job we are passionate about is the key to success. Purpose comes with understanding what it is you want and how you believe you can and should contribute to the world you live in

Here is what some of the top experts and career advisors view as the most common career challenges people are facing today

  • Moving to a higher level in the hierarchy and understanding what success looks like at the new level, including issues of focus, delegation, credibility and leadership.

  • Joining a new organization and needing to quickly understand and adapt to a new culture, new people and a new political arena

  • People are changing jobs more frequently today than ever before and many choose to make a career change. It can be challenging, and job seekers should really think about a career they see themselves remaining in for the long term. Making a career change is not something you want to be doing many times over.

  • Job seekers often lack the ability to transfer previous work experiences and skills into new industries and employment opportunities. The fact is many employers are looking for personality types, individuals with specific soft skills. The technical side of the job can be taught on-site. 


They can be scary and feel downright impossible to achieve on your own. 

That’s because the bigger the goal, the greater the number of obstacles that not only get in your way, but they also keep you from staying the course to achieving your goal. 

There are more moving parts to deal with, and the risk feels so much bigger. The level of expertise required is so much higher. 

And there are so many unknowns that you simply can’t anticipate due to lack of experience.

That’s why one of the best ways to ensure you are successful in achieving your career goal is to have trusted mentors by your side who have successfully walked that path before you!

That's where I come in...

  • Begin Your Career Transform Journey with Me

    Calling All Aspirational Careerist  

    Here’s Just A Few Things You’ll Achieve When You Join This Online Mastermind Group Today...

    • Empower Yourself With The Ability To Overcome The Fear of Growing Your Career

    • Discover the Things That Successful Individuals Know But You Don’t

    • Future Proof Your Future Career So That You Can Continue To Benefit From It Years From Now

    • Find Out How You Can Achieve About 50% Increase In Compensation Quicker Than You Thought



    Your Private Advisor, Mentor and Coach

    My Purpose In Life Is To Humbly Serve My Lord And To Use My Knowledge, Experience And Enthusiasm To Inspire, Empower, Educate And Train Individual To Achieve Their Success In Business, In Career And In Life.

    For over 20 years, Rokon has been coaching entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and inspiring individuals on how to create the life they desire. His mission is to help people achieve and sustain positive behavioral change through practical advice. He has individually mentored more than 230 corporate leaders for the last ten years. He has consulted for more than 50 companies and addressed more than 800 people in various seminars throughout Canada and Bangladesh. He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Business Strategies, Leadership Development, Financial Planning, and Professional Development.


    Your Time Is Now

    How would you like to have the personal guidance, support, and accountability you need to accomplish your biggest career goals and transform your life to an exciting new level of success, abundance, and freedom? 

    I am looking for *20* highly motivated individuals who are ready to dedicate themselves to taking their career to a whole new level ― willing to play full-out and take massive action toward their ambitious career goal. 

    If this is something you're committed to doing, I want to become your personal mentor! This means serious accountability, and the private mastermind coaching and mindset training you need to create your desired reality faster than you ever thought possible! 

  • Welcome to the Career Transformation Mastermind

    This is 12 weeks to achieve a new level of confidence to go after your career and level up your leadership. I’ve created a program, unlike any other lean-in networking circle you have been a part of. Once you join the mastermind group coaching you’ll:

  • Gain the strategies and tactics you need to take your career to the next level

  • Be able to start taking immediate action to get you to the next level

  • Maintain boundaries so that you can actually grow a successful career while spending quality time with family and having time for fun and adventures 

  • Stand in conviction with your own thoughts and confident in making decisions in your career that are best for you

  • Whether you’re working full time or part-time, building a side hustle, or looking to develop leadership skills, this mastermind group has designed considering your needs and challenges in mind.

    Career Transformation Mastermind is the solution for anyone who is tired of letting their career pass them by and wants to start doing the work for real change while getting top-level support from one of the best career experts.


    I will help you to define a powerful vision for yourself and give you the motivation to drive for it, setting better goals, reaching them faster, making better informed decisions.

    I will support you and encourage you to deliver higher performance by getting you to FOCUS on what is fundamental most important and take consistent ACTION towards achieving performance goals.

    You will get the tools, knowledge and new skills that you can implement these in your career and in your life for immediate and longer-term success.

    I will hold you accountable for the actions that you agree to complete, and will push, challenge, and motivate you to achieve them.

    We will work together to establish key measures of improvement and work diligently at removing any obstacles that might prevent you from achieving the desired results.

    I will challenge your status quo and get you focused on taking action now that will enable you to make the improvements that matter.


    I'M looking for 20 ambitious individuals who are ready to take their career to a much higher level

    You know that having the right support and consistent accountability could be exactly what is missing from your career toolkit.

    But trying to figure it all out yourself with no support system can be a dream killer! What you need is access next level leadership. You need a new approach. You need coaching, motivation, and accountability to get the results you are truly after! 

    If you’re ready to stop thinking about what you could do and take action to level up, The Career Transformation Mastermind is your answer.

    Career Transformation Mastermind is an exclusive weekly coaching program led by Rokon Alam designed to formulate the strategies and tactics you need to take your career, mindset, and life to the next level!

    I am only enrolling 15 participants now so that I can maintain the quality of support to transform your career to the next level

    So the fact is that this offer is LIMITED to 15 participants, You either act NOW and act FAST or you give it up for good.

    Build a Career, Your Way, On Your Terms

    You could achieve rapid transformation in your career and you could do it FASTER and EASIER than you thought possible with Career Transformation Mastermind. It's actually quite simple.

    And it all starts with taking the RIGHT STEP today.

    Here're The 3 Core Principles on Which This Career Transformation Mastermind Is Built


    Once you joined the mastermind group I will provide you a rich set of new, practical, and life-tested ideas, concepts, and frameworks that will help you to change and be the best person you want to be.

    •  You will get my unique blend of intelligence, insight and practical steps to improve performance

    • I will tech you the importance of making a positive difference in every aspect of your life. 

    • We all understand what to do, but I will give you the tools to actually change for the better.


    Here's your chance to embark on a life-changing journey with me as your personal coach, along with an exclusive group of amazing people who will inspire you to achieve incredible new heights in your own life. 

    Each week we’ll meet in our virtual Mastermind room to check-in on your latest progress, tune-up your mindset, and collectively brainstorm solutions to your challenges or aspirations you have. 

    Each mastermind session will consist of not only an inspiring topic, but also a feedback forum where people can take center stage to get the group’s collective brain to focus on his/her goal or challenge.

    Plus you’ll be able to forge powerful connections with the other high achievers in your group – and those relationships will change your life in ways you can’t imagine! 


    • It’s time to design a career that feels right to you, not what everyone else is telling you to do.

    • It’s about finding what leadership looks like for you and making it work for YOU.

    • As an executive coach, I will present a new topic each week to help you master the right mindset to enable you, encourage you and support you in achieving your career goal(s). Example topics include: Regaining focus, Committing to follow through, Saying no to the good so you can yes to the great, and much more

    • You are ready to break through anything that held you back and know you are steps away from being the next level of yourself.  

    What Is A Mastermind Group?

    A mastermind group utilizes peer mentoring to help you meet your goals.

    In a mastermind group, you attend regular meetings (either virtually or in-person) and brainstorm ways to solve your problems and become successful.

    The mastermind concept is unique because you’re meeting with people who are in the same career stage as you. This peer-to-peer mentoring model can be highly successful as you connect with people who motivate you to reach your goals.

    "Think and Grow Rich

    The concept was coined in 1925 by author Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success and described in more detail in his 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich. In his books, Hill discussed the idea of the Master Mind, which referred to two or more people coming together in harmony to solve problems.

    The Laws of Success

    Cooperation through the use of mastermind groups was one of the laws of success that Hill learned studying successful Americans including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Charles M. Schwab.

    Wikipedia's View

    As Wikipedia states, some of the most successful people have gotten there because of mastermind groups. In a nutshell, by joining a mastermind group you surround yourself with other high achievers who will 10x your progress and learning curve.

    Why Join a Mastermind Group?


    Goal Tracking

    Skills Sharing


    Help Others


    Brain Storming




    Think Big

    And Many More...

    Here's What our 12 Weeks Journey Looks Like

    Private Mastermind Kickoff

    Our journey starts with a two hours kickoff session. We'll focus on getting you crystal clear what you want to accomplish in next twelve weeks as well as the steps you’ll need to take to achieve it. You’ll get to know your fellow group members at a deep level right away and start cultivating valuable connections that will help you get better results, faster.

    Weekly Private Sessions

    Each month,we’ll meet in our virtual Mastermind room for a powerful ninety minutes masterminding session, where you’ll get the personal laser coaching, group brainstorming, and accelerated problem-solving support you need to bring your vision to life.


    Open Call-In Hours, Celebrations, and SO much more!

    We’ll also be hosting surprise bonus sessions with industry experts as well as a fun virtual party at the end of the program to celebrate everything you accomplished.


    On-Demand Voice & Direct Messaging access to Rokon so you are never left in the dark


    After finishing the program, I will follow up with you on your transformation. This is an opportunity to implement what you have been learning to grow your career to the next level

    Every Week You Will Get Online Lessons

    The Courses will be delivered through a membership website where you will be provided login credential and you will finish lessons at your own pace with my live ongoing support every week

    Activity Management

    Activity focuses on the importance of having a plan and a specific strategy for any team to achieve any task but more importantly shows the importance of having a leader who takes charge and realizes this strategy. It’s often helpful to map out each day in terms of the tasks you need and want to complete, then sectioning off the amount of time you believe you can get those tasks done in. 

    Know Your Why

    Most of us live our lives by accident. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose. Knowing your WHY provides a filter through which you can make decisions, every day, to act with purpose. This program is designed to help you inspired by the message find their WHY and bring it to life in both their careers and life

    Stop Procrastination

    Procrastination is force inside all of us. It is the result of our routines, well-being, attitudes, and behavior. In this course, you'll learn how to stop procrastinating by tapping into inspiration, motivation, and personal awareness. I'll show you how to eliminate procrastination with powerful routines, attitudes, and techniques that will break old habits.  

    Negotiation Skills

    Negotiating is a part of everyday life. We negotiate in our work, with our friends, and even our family members. In this course, participants will learn what negotiation is and how to get the most from their personal negotiations. Participants will also explore four strategies for negotiating, and how to apply the four step process for successfully negotiating with other parties.

    Setting Breakthrough Goals

    Being able to set clear and specific objectives is crucial for anyone not just leaders or managers.. This specific competency is a must for achieving measurable results and success on the job. The only way to achieve goals is if you set them first. It’s much like driving to a destination. If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get there?

    Presenting with Impact

    An effective presentation aims to change the audience and get them to think or act differently by truly engaging them with a clear focused message, logical arguments and compelling visuals combined with a passionate delivery that evokes emotions. This program will provide a guiding framework to design, build and deliver compelling high impact presentations

    Lead Like a CEO

    The best leaders have the ability to share their vision with passion and commitment, giving their people a purpose, a challenge they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results. This training program will empower you as a leader in bringing out the best in yourself and others by exploring the most critical success factors of strong leadership.

    Public Speaking

    This energetic training program focuses on the most essential communication skills needed for the challenging and competitive working environment of today. You will learn a communication model that will enable you to communicate more clearly, confidently, and effectively, build better rapport and improve their overall communication with others.

    The Balanced Life

    In this program You will discover how to have a much better Work Life Balance. Learn why a balanced life is a personal decision only you can make. You will learn how to bring your work skills, organization skills, negotiation skills, delegation skills etc, into balancing your life. You will also learn to take control of your life and learn to say no.



    A Personal Note from Rokon Alam

    When you surround yourself with successful, motivated, positive people, the energy and possibilities they bring to your life is unbelievable! 

    Suddenly, thanks to their insight, expertise, and connections, things you would have thought impossible can be easily achieved in just a few days. 

    You’ll gain access to skills and knowledge that have never been available to you before. You will be inspired by their examples and driven to meet your commitments and honor your accountability agreements with each other.

    Now, I'd love to help you too with this system, so that you can take your career to the next level. 

    Rokon Alam

    Founder of This Mastermind Group

    Ready To Transform Your Career to The Next Level?


    • I want to make sure every participant gets the personal mentorship and support they need to achieve their goals. That’s why I'm limiting this mastermind to 20 participants maximum.

    • It’s also why I'm only accepting people who have already achieved a significant measure of success in their lives.

    • This isn’t another self-development program for people who are just starting out on their personal growth journey…

    • It’s for high achievers who have accomplished some big wins on their own and are looking for high-calibre mentors to help them get to the next level in their lives and careers. 

    Many will apply but only 20 will be accepted… will you be the one?


    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • You have big dreams and are no longer willing to settle for the “same old, same old”

    • For all your success, you know something’s missing in your life - and you’re ready to close the gap

    • You’re ready to fully commit the next 12 weeks to achieving something BIG with your life

    • You’re prepared to bring your A-game to each mastermind session and commit to helping others as well as yourself

    • You understand that you’ll achieve so much more, so much faster, as part of a team

    If that sounds like you, I am eager to work with you over the next 12 weeks to help you achieve your goals!

  • Are Your Ready to Invest in Your NEXT BIG LEAP?

    Tuition for this exclusive, 12-week private mastermind is Unbelievably Low

    This Is A Limited Time Offer

    • I know that getting 5-6 hours of personal access to me every month for less than the offer price is a downright bargain. 


      (Normally I charge USD 175/hr for my coaching and mentorship!) 


      I have helped more than 230 individual to transform their career to the next level, launch exciting new businesses… and find the purpose, balance, and freedom they crave.

  • You're Protected With 100% Money Back Guarantee

    Joining This Mastermind Group is Risk Free For 30 Days

    I am so confident about this program that I will let you have it for free to test drive it, not for a week, not for 2 weeks, but for 1 full month. You'll not only be a member of this group, but you'll get all the bonuses along with it. And if for any reason this mastermind group does not help you transform your career to the next level, I will gladly refund you the money, with out any questions asked.

    All Your Questions Regarding Career Transformation Mastermind

  • How long will the Mastermind Group take?

  • The Mastermind group will run for 12 weeks.

  • How big will the Mastermind Group be?

  • The Mastermind Group will have up to 20 participants plus myself as the facilitator of the group.

  • How Does It Work?

  • The Mastermind Group is a formal, structured and focused group that will inspire you to be more productive in your career. It will consist of a weekly call of 75 minutes.

    The format of the zoom meeting is:

    First ten minutes: Every one shares one win.

    Next fifty minutes: I will deliver a concepts or tools so that you can implement immediately to transform your career.

    Last fifteen minutes: Q&A, based on the questions I received last week and giving assignment of setting one goal to focus on during the following week.

  • Who Should Attend a Mastermind Group?

  • Individual who:

    Want to succeed in their career.

    Have the desire and inspiration to make this year extraordinary.

    Want a supportive team of Mastermind partners.

    Want to reach or exceed their goals

  • Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

  • ABSOLUTELY!!! Joining This Mastermind Group is Risk Free For 30 Days. I am so confident about this program that I will let you have it for free to test drive it, not for a week, not for 2 weeks, but for 1 full month.

    The Path to Unlimited Success

    Starts at Rokon's Mastermind Group

    Here's A Gist Of Everything You Need To Know

    • Get direct access to Rokon. Transform your career and personal success with coaching directly from Rokon.

    • Access to the powerful tools and training to jumpstart your success

    • This exclusive mastermind is only open to people with a passion for making a positive change in their lives by transforming their career to the next level.

  • A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step

    and remember it's a journey and you begin the journey with the first step and you have to walk with me many more steps to reach your goals.

    During Our Journey, You Have to Be Patient and Focused.

    Enrolment Now Open for My Next Session

    • Membership is limited to 12 members maximum to give everyone a personal experience.

    • Due to volume of requests, I invite you submit your expression of interest only if you are able to meet the financial investment

    • This exclusive mastermind is only open to people who will be committed to showing up, doing the work, and giving 100% effort.

    Connect with me to the Get Special Price: Please e-mail