Mindset of Success
Passing Your Professional Exam
12 Inspired Lessons to Increase Your Passing Rate by 90%
Key Points Discussed In The Webinar:
What is Your Why?
Manage Your Activity Not the Time
Mindset of Success
How to Master the Exam Structure?
Stop Blaming the Exam Authority
How to Master the Exam Content?
How to Form a Study Group?
Study Techniques
Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life
Happiness Starts With a Smile
E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcomes)
Failing is NOT The End of The World.
Never Do Tomorrow, What Can Do Today
Take Action
Nothing is Impossible, The Word Itself Says
I’M Possible
You Are The One In Charge of All The Results You Produce
Your Feeling About The Exam
Blaming and Complaining is a waste of time
It’s Better to Hang Out With People Better Than You
You Are The Average of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With
The Mastermind Group Delivery Structure:
Module-1: Understand your Why
Module-7: Plan Your Study Time
Module-2: Forming Your Study Group
Module-8: Memorization Technique
Module-3: Setting Goals
Module-9: Mind Mapping Technique
Module-4: Developing A Study Plan
Module-10: Flash Card Technique
Module-5: Time Management
Module-11: The Balanced Life
Module-6: Stop Procrastination
Module-12: The Week Before Exam
One Bi-Weekly Inspiration Session. Total Six Inspiration Sessions
One Module Per Week. Total Twelve Module
Each Inspiration Session is 30 Minutes
Each Module is 45 Minutes.
PGDTM Post Graduate Diploma in Tax Management Fees Structure
• Application Form: BDT. 500.
• Admission Fees (Non-Refundable): BDT 6,000
• Tuition Fees: BDT 5,200 per course.
How much you pay for transportation costs, study materials, professional Fees?
Assuming BDT 20,000
What is your opportunity costs? (i.e. your total time in this course, which you could have spent somewhere else and earn)
Assuming BDT 50,000
You Already Invested BDT 120,000 for this Course
Do you want to lose another BDT 50,000 (assumed) and not passing the course?
The fee for my International Mastermind group is USD 500 per person (i.e. @84 BDT 42,000)
But My international Group and You are not Same
I want you to have the best shot at your professional exam by joining this mastermind group.
Imagine How Your Life Will Change When You Apply These Tools in Other Dimensions Of Your Life i.e. CAREER, BUSINESS, RELATIONSHIP, etc.