7 Hours of Video Lessons
14 Exercises to Complete
All Materials are Downlodable
Q & A through ZOOM Call
Deliver both in English and Bangla Language
Certificate of Attendence
Transform your life to the next level through mastery of one of the most IMPORTANT SUCCESS CONCEPTS YOU’LL EVER LEARN: E+R=O.
Every day I’ll provide you with a specific challenge designed to help you put this powerful equation into practice. When you choose your responses intentionally, it’s amazing how magical AND liberating life becomes.
WE ALWAYS GET TO CHOOSE which leads me to congratulating you for being here! It all started with a choice to sign up and then show up for this challenge!
Build the foundation to truly step into the driver’s seat of our own lives by choosing how we respond in each and every moment.
As a coach, I’ve seen people use this equation to ask for what they really want, and ultimately, truly change their lives! Think about it… we can’t control events that happen in life, but we always have 100% control over how we respond!
My hope is that you’ll find the course engaging and that by the end of the 7 days you’ll have built the muscle to intentionally respond to all the events, both positive and negative, in your life.
For over 15 years, Rokon has been coaching entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and inspiring individuals on how to create the life they desire. His mission is to help people achieve and sustain positive behavioral change through practical advice. He has individually mentored more than 230 corporate leaders for the last ten years. He has consulted for more than 50 companies and addressed more than 800 people in various seminars throughout Canada and Bangladesh.
Transform your life to the next level through mastery of one of the most IMPORTANT SUCCESS CONCEPTS YOU’LL EVER LEARN: E+R=O.
Every day I’ll provide you with a specific challenge designed to help you put this powerful equation into practice. When you choose your responses intentionally, it’s amazing how magical AND liberating life becomes.
WE ALWAYS GET TO CHOOSE which leads me to congratulating you for being here! It all started with a choice to sign up and then show up for this challenge!
Build the foundation to truly step into the driver’s seat of our own lives by choosing how we respond in each and every moment.
As a coach, I’ve seen people use this equation to ask for what they really want, and ultimately, truly change their lives! Think about it… we can’t control events that happen in life, but we always have 100% control over how we respond!
My hope is that you’ll find the course engaging and that by the end of the 7 days you’ll have built the muscle to intentionally respond to all the events, both positive and negative, in your life.
For over 15 years, Rokon has been coaching entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and inspiring individuals on how to create the life they desire. His mission is to help people achieve and sustain positive behavioral change through practical advice. He has individually mentored more than 230 corporate leaders for the last ten years. He has consulted for more than 50 companies and addressed more than 800 people in various seminars throughout Canada and Bangladesh.
This is exactly what will be covered in this course
Lesson 1: E+R=O: The Formula That Will Change Your Life
A simple, yet powerful formula that I believe should be the primary rule guiding your successful life:
Exercise 1: Areas of Life You are Reacting vs. Responding
How can I use this simple equation to improve each area of my life? I.e. Happiness, Health & Wealth
Lesson 2: Old Event/New Response-Take control of an outcome
I’m willing to bet most of us are holding on to something recent that didn’t go the way we wanted it to.
Exercise 2: Something that is Still Affecting You Right Now
Are you ready to change an Outcome you are experiencing right now?
Lesson 3: Daily Routines
You start out the morning with good intentions, then suddenly—for some reason, it doesn’t matter why—you’re late getting out the door for work.
Exercise 3: Responding Differently the Evening Before and In the Morning
To prevent feeling rushed tomorrow and to anticipate events such as weather or traffic, make a list of what you can prepare tonight.
Lesson 4: Responding Differently at Home & Work
We all have a different home life experience, but there are always stressors that come up in this area.
Exercise 4: Your Biggest Struggles in your Home Life and at Work Life
What will you commit to do today to create better outcomes at Home and work
Lesson 5: Take 5% More Responsibility
What would your life look like if you decided, right here, right now you would take 5% more responsibility in every area of your life?
Exercise 5: What does taking 5% more responsibility look like for you?
Complete the following, “Today I will take 5% more responsibility for my _____________ by doing _______________.”
Lesson 6: Responding to Opportunity
Knowing that how you respond can mean the difference between an awesome lives or regret about what could have been—creates a powerful incentive to master your responses
Exercise 6: Habitual Thoughts or Stories Hold You Back from Opportunities
Are there any events in the past month that I could have framed as opportunities?
Lesson 7: External vs. Internal Responses- Create Emotional Freedom in Life
No one can make you feel anything. You have the ability to control how you feel about any situation.
Exercise 7: Start Telling Story Yourself to Create a Different Outcome
What is a story you consistently tell yourself that doesn’t serve you?
Lesson 8: Blaming & Complaining-Do You Blame Events for Your Outcomes?
Understand that the E’s in your life (events) aren’t responsible for the O’s (outcomes) you experience. Only your responses determine the outcomes you get!
Exercise 8: Catch Yourself Blaming and Complaining
For the next 24 hours, let’s work to create a new habit: Take action versus complaining.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Lesson 9: Difficult Relationships and How to Improve
When taking 100% Responsibility for your relationships be aware that you cannot force people to change. The only real thing you have control over is your expectations.
Exercise 9: How To Responded Challenging Relationship When Conflict Arises With A Person?
Think of your most challenging relationship. In the past, how have you responded when conflict arises with this person?
Lesson 10: Difficult Situations-How We Respond to Crisis?
We all deal with difficult situations at some level. Sometimes it’s our children choosing a different path than the one we wanted for them, sometimes it’s being laid off from a job because the company is going under.
Exercise 10: Responded Differently to A Difficult Situation to Create a More Desirable Outcome
What difficult situations have I responded to in a way that doesn’t serve me?
Lesson 11: Tackling Incompletes-Finish Your Unfinished Projects
There is nothing more frustrating and draining than having unfinished projects. Incompletes keep us from moving forward and kill productivity.
Exercise 11: Create a List of the 10 Unfinished Projects that Keep you Up at Night
Choose 10 projects that consistently bother you and you’d feel relieved to finally have complete.
Lesson 12: Ignorance Will Not Solve Your Problem
Successful people don’t wait for bad things to occur. They take responsibility immediately. They prevent things from going too far.
Exercise 12: Pretending not to Know in Each Area of Your Life
Examine each area of your life and determine if there’s a problem that you are ignoring or creating. What are you pretending not to know?
Lesson 13: Create the Desired Outcome in Every Area of Your Life
You alone have the power to make something happen in your life, whether you actively create it or passively allow it to happen or continue. This goes for outcomes that are both good and bad.
Exercise 13: Proactively Work Toward Your Desired Outcome in Each Area of Your Life
If you could proactively create the perfect desired outcome in each area of your life what would it look like?
Lesson 14: Celebrate & Share Wins!
Today is all about CELEBRATING YOU! You made it through the entire 14 days and today your response is to celebrate all you’ve accomplished! This is an important lesson in the E+R=O equation.
Exercise 14: What are You Most Proud to have Accomplished during this Course
In what ways has your mindset changed as a result of this course challenge? How have you grown over the past 7 days?
Bonus 1: E-Book-Do What Matters
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Bonus 2: Morning Breakthrough
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Bonus 3: Write the title of your lesson here
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Bonus 4: Write the title of your lesson here
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Introduction to User Experience Design
Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.
Welcome to your 7-Day Challenge! Over the course You’ll learn and grow through the mastery of one of the most IMPORTANT SUCCESS CONCEPTS YOU’LL EVER LEARN: E+R=O.
I have created this mini course to build the foundation to truly step into the driver’s seat of our own lives by choosing how we respond in each and every moment!
Every day I’ll provide you with a specific challenge designed to help you put this powerful equation into practice. When you choose your responses intentionally, it’s amazing how magical AND liberating life becomes.
WE ALWAYS GET TO CHOOSE which leads me to congratulating you for being here! It all started with a choice to sign up and then show up for this challenge!
I’m so excited to be on this journey with you, so let’s get started!
You only get access to the lesson when you finish previous lesson and do the exercises
Should have a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or a mobile device
Should have access to internet via WiFi or Mobile data
Should allow access to the computer to download files
Here's what other students are raving about my previous course
"Rokon is a professional with high ethical standards. He is also a well respected member of the community and often helps students encouraging them succeed in the their profession"
"I loved your course. I find it really helpful to push me and gives me confidence. I will always pass your name whenever I can. Look forward to take your course again"
"Thank you for all your knowledge you shared with me and other participants. You have a talent as a teacher and as a person who gives enough strength and support."
Inspire and Empower Individual to Transform Their Life to The Next Level